Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Above all I remember Sister Mavis for the perfect ways in which she complimented you - Uko and Nene Etuk, Lagos, NIGERIA


It has taken me quite a while to come out of the shock of the passing on of your dear wife, our sister, my model of how a believer in this age should comport himself.

You know how far our relationship has come and I need not remind you of the intimate moments we have shared .... and Sister Mavis had, albeit in her simple and unimposing standpoints, featured effectively.

I remember her for her down-to-earth counsel and manner in which she made her points without laboring herself to leave any impression. Once she opened her mouth to speak, in whatever circumstance, my ears were always attentive to pick up the 'nugget'. Her observations, no matter how unappealing at the time, were always striking and I learned never to miss the opportunity of catching her words whenever I was around where she spoke. Her conversation showed her to be a believer in charity, in faith and in purity.

Above all I remember Sister Mavis for the perfect ways in which she complimented you. Even when you picked off excitedly in a matter, it was ever so comforting to witness how she would get you to come back to the main focus in the matter. I cannot count the number of times when I admiringly wished I would have a wife like her. Truly, I could see the strength and support you drew from her for ministry and for your life. She was a great encouragement to the Body.

We can only try to encourage you, with what we have. It is only the Father that can provide you with the kind of comfort you so need right now. There will be times you will want to reach to her for that support you have come to be accustomed to over the years of your sweet fellowship with her; our hearts prayer is that God will be there for you.

As we pray for Him to take charge of the situation and help you, we also pray for the days to come. We pray for Him to remember His promises to you, and to uphold you. He has said He will neither leave you nor forsake you; may He bring you to truly appreciate that promise now. In this time of seeming famine, may He so prosper you, Oh, may He so prosper you.

We love you, Brother duCille and we are praying for you. In fact Nene and I have not been able to stop talking about you ever since. The Lord that seeth the end from the beginning, He will provide you with the answers.

Brother, please do not despair. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. He will surely come to you. Amen.

Best of Wishes and Love from

Uko and Nene Etuk

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