Saturday, November 29, 2008

She outran all of us and got to the gate first - The Trotters

Dear brother Ces,

We were shocked and saddened to hear about sister Mavis. Having joined with others praying and believing a miracle had occurred it seemed impossible that God had taken her. She was a wonderful sister and friend to us and we will miss her alot. You once said that heaven is a school and that is such a comforting thought.

One of the first memories that came to my mind was a day I took you both to the airport in Omaha. We had to rush to board you on time. Suddenly sister Mavis began running. She was wearing high heels but she outran all of us and got to the gate first and just in time. It's a good spiritual picture, isn't it?

It is almost resurrection day so we will see her again soon.
I can hear her say "God is faithful to the end."

Love, Tom and Carol

An example of what it means to walk together as one - Patrick Hamilton, GERMANY

Dear brother Cecil,

Through the brethren I heard that your wife went to be with the Lord. Rejoicing with Mavis that she is now with the Lord I am aware, I am grieving with you, that you lost your wife. So I pray that the Lord is comforting you and leading you in this new situation you are in right now.

The both of you as a couple have always been an encouragement and an example of what it means to walk together as one.

May the Lord strengthen and bless you abundantly.

Patrick Hamilton

Friday, November 28, 2008

Her life was truly an expression of the wonderful work of the Master’s hand - Williams family

Our Beloved Brother duCille:

We have had the special and unique opportunity to partake of the precious chosen of God’s marvelous garden. There are so many times that my family and I have been blessed by your visits, your words of encouragement and prayers which have helped us to press on. We love our Sister Mavis and will miss her deeply.

We are so thankful to have the duCilles in our lives as God’s chosen vessels. I am reminded of the song that says how I love you with the love of the Lord and I see in you the glory of my King. We may not fully understand the mystery of our dearly beloved Sister Mavis departure, but this I know, that her life was truly an expression of the wonderful work of the Master’s hand that so many of us have been blessed by and will continue to be blessed by. I pray that we continue to use her example as God’s living epistle shining as a bright light before us as we press on toward the mark of the high calling in God.

Glenn & Linda and the entire Williams family

We thank the Lord for the testimony of her life - Emeka & Udeme Anosike, CANADA

Dear Bro. DuCille,

It is with mixed feelings that we received the news of Sis. Mavis' passing. We are glad that she has gone on to glory, but we realize that she will be missed sorely by you, her loved ones and the church of Jesus Christ.

We thank the Lord for the testimony of her life; we thank Him for blessing His church through her. We pray that He will sustain you, hold your heart, comfort you and strengthen you.

Remain blessed,

Emeka & Udeme Anosike

She was a pillar of strength and support to you and the ministry and an epitome of encouragement to the body - J. Eta Duncan Lagos, Nigeria

Dear Pa Cec,

Our hearts and prayers are with you and the entire Ducilles' family at this time. The departure of sister Mavis into glory is indeed saddening but we take consolation in the scriptures because we are not a people without hope. We are a people of the resurrection and our sister, though dead in the flesh yet lives.

Sister Mavis showcased the life of a believer in conversation, in charity, in faith, in spirit, and in purity. She was a pillar of strength and support to you and the ministry and an epitome of encouragement to the body. She testified of the truth and also walked in the truth with humility. Her memory on earth is blessed, to be often remembered by all those whose life she touched and who will miss her soft but powerful words that testify of truth.

Be strong in the Lord sir, and may the God of all comfort strengthen your heart and keep you through the pain of separation from our dear mother and sister and friend.

God Bless You,

J. Eta Duncan
Lagos, Nigeria

A profound testimony which you and Sister Mavis have established on earth and in heaven - Roman & Martina, CZECH REPUBLIC

Dear Brother duCille,

We just want you to know that we keep you in our thoughts and prayers in these days. God willing we will perhaps see you again sometime (soon).

We are so much aware of the profound testimony which you and Sister Mavis have established on earth and in heaven. We cannot but also think about our father according to faith Abraham and his wife Sarah.

In this present age death has always been bitter but the age is coming to a close and the hope of final victory over death and hell is at hand. We pray that God of peace would prevail in the present situation and all His enemies be smitten and scattered as the chaff in the wind.

It is very uplifting to know that you are there, walking in Him.

With love and gratitude

Roman & Martina

Nigeria in January 1989 - my first real memory of Mavis

Cecil and Brethren

Here (this photo represents) my first real memory of Mavis, a member if the team of 7 who went to Nigeria in January 1989. This was Burt's and my first trip to Nigeria and the beginning of our missionary life. We were challenged by this experience and I would say it changed our lives significantly and permanently.

Mark Jantzi

Thursday, November 27, 2008

May the Lord comfort and encourage Pa Ducille - Dotun Adegoke, SOUTH AFRICA

We are so sorry to hear this. May the Lord comfort and encourage Pa Ducille and their family. We will be praying for them.

He reigns!

Dotun Adegoke

We will miss this great warrior for Christ - Fred Adegoke, NIGERIA

This is indeed a very shocking news. Just a few days ago i was listening to one of those preliminary messages sister May usually gives before her husband comes forth with the main message, and as usual i felt the punch and power in the tone of her voice despite the frailness of her body. We will miss this great warrior for Christ who stood as the Armour Bearer for her husband in what you might call a long, lonely and difficult ministry but effective ministry.

Our heavy heart reaches out to Pa duCille at this time in great groaning and prayers that the Lord will grant him the fortitude to bear this departure of a faithful Armour Bearer. We also reach out to all the brothers and sisters in Florida who are nearest to Bro Cess at this time. We reach out in prayers to all their children and grand children at this time that the lord will console them all, and all who have benefited from the ministry of this great woman of God

Never in my life have I known a rugged woman, a strong woman of faith, a woman with a gentle and soothing spirit as Sister Mavis. She certainly has fought a good fight, she has kept the faith, she has finished her course. Her life will remain a great source of inspiration to me as a person.

Fred Adegoke

Grandma has been a constant in my life, my whole life - Mavis Ducille-Armstrong (Leasie)

Where do I even begin? You and Grandma have been involved in EVERY memory I have growing up....I was just talking about my first Thanksgiving as a married woman and brand new mom...Both of you flew out to Texas and absolutely bailed me out of that one! Grandma cooked my turkey (thank God! b/c only He knows how it would have turned out if I did it). I am so grateful and blessed to have the two most special people in my life for so long. It saddens me that my kids will not experience the WONDERFUL lessons, the FUN times in that house, the constant hugs and pats on the back from Grandma for as long as I did. I am thankful you got to spend the time you did with them though. Amaiya saw a picture of you and said right away "that's Gang-Gang, Mommy lets go to her house and play the piano." It made me smile inside because that is one of my memories in that house also. Grandma has been a constant in my life, my whole life. I knew no matter what was going on in my life, I could either pick up the phone and hear you tell me with that strength in your voice that "You will overcome." I knew no matter what I could drive up in that driveway, ring that door-bell and you were always there with a hug and a kiss....I'm going to miss that.....
I remember growing up, especially in school, wishing I could change my name. Looking back now, I'm very embarrassed to say that. Since getting older though, I can HONESTLY say I feel privileged to carry on your name Grandma. It's funny, Dustin and my In-Laws refuse to call me anything else but Mavis, while at the same time everyone else calls me Leasie.
Dustin sends his love Grandad...He'll be home on the 7Th!
We Love You My Wonderful Grandparents

Mavis Ducille-Armstrong

Mavis continued as our example of a Godly mother and wife - The Peckmanns

When the phone call came announcing Sister Mavis entering into glory, we were stunned. We had not expected this response, but were also submitted to Father's will. The memories of her many times of overcoming what seemed to be insurmountable "mountains" in her health, and the many trials you, Bro Ces and dear Sister Mavis not only endured but conquered came flooding into my mind. Then the Lord brought the songs to me, "In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." and also "Not my will but thine be done".... How often we sing that.... our will was for Mavis to be healed and continue as our example of a Godly mother and wife. She has done all that and so much more. We shall miss her greatly, but we are very comforted in knowing that she is in that great cloud of witnesses encouraging us to continue to press on that we may fulfill the purposes of God and be all that He wants us to be. May you, dear Bro Ces, feel the loving arms of our Saviour comforting you today and in the days to come. May He continue to give you the strength needed during this personally difficult time, and also in the coming days of your ministry. God bless you.

Jim and Betty Peckmann

We give thanks and glory to the Lord God for the gift - The Brethen in Lawrenceville, GA

Beloved Bro Cecil,

This occasion of the transition and passing on of our dearly beloved mother Mavis is a time of grief for us but is overshadowed by the joy and hope that we indeed ‘…believe that Jesus died and rose again, and even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him…I Thess. 4:14. And so, we give thanks and glory to the Lord God for the gift of a measure of His life through the offering of your wife to the CHURCH…for, as has been testified to by many, she poured out of the goodness of the Lord in her spirit, soul and body to the benefit of the family of God. The oft-repeated words that those who depart this terra firma continue to live in the hearts of loved ones take on a very real significance in this instance, albeit, to the glory of God. In a very real sense, the ‘corn of wheat’ that was sister Mavis did not abide alone but has brought forth much fruit to the glory of Jehovah by reason of subjugating her life to the Lord’s will. Her sojourn and testimony upon this side of eternity will continue to be an encouragement to us all, even as we strive daily for the mark of that high calling that is in Christ Jesus.
We pray that the God of Comfort will strengthen you, Bro Ces and your immediate family during this time and may He continue to work in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight to the glory of His Name through Jesus Christ and grant you peace, amen.

The Brethen in Lawrenceville, GA

Thank you for giving yourself and Sister Mavis to us - Chris & Imah - Port-Harcourt, Nigeria

Dear Bro Ces,

What more could we say? What more can be added? Our hearts are filled and words do fail to convey the adequacy of our thoughts on the news of our beloved Sister Mavis' translation. Suffice to say our prayers are with you and our bowels of love enlarged towards you and the family.

Thank you for giving yourself and Sister Mavis to us, thank you for heeding His Call through thick and thin, thank you for being our brother, our friend and our father. We love you always now more so,

Chris & Imah - Port-Harcourt, Nigeria

It is well with you Bro. Cecil - Emmanuel & Mary, NIGERIA

Beloved Bro Cecil,

We received news of sister Mavis passing with very mixed feelings. Shock at the suddeness, Sadness at her having to leave us and happiness knowing she's with the cloud of witnesses. We draw so much consolation knowing whe she is resting right now right in the arms of the Lord she loved and served with all her heart.
We recall with very much fondness each of your visits to Nigeria and the role she played in the church and to us individually. It was always such a joy and much encouragement to us all. We will miss her dearly and look forward to seeing her again when we met at the masters feet.
It is well with you Bro. Cecil for in all this the Lord Jesus is your strength and your peace.

Love Emmanuel & Mary

A great daughter of Zion - She will be greatly missed - KOLA ADEGOKE (Abuja, Nigeria)

Dear Bro Cec,

It is with much surprise that we received the news of the passing on to glory of our beloved mother and great woman of faith-Sister Marvis Ducille.

No doubt, this great daughter of Zion has fought a good fight, finished her course and kept the faith.

Sister Marvis has been a good example to the women folk, as to the extent a godly woman should stand by her husband in the fulfilment of divine mandate. She has been an encouragement also to us the menfolk and also to the great generation of God's Sons emerging at this hour.

She will be greatly missed.

I recall the last time i saw her at the last 2007/2008 Jamaican conference, her brief but powerful words of prophetic exhortation during the meeting and also the brief time of prayer we had in the Ducille's bedroom on the eve of our departure to Nigeria. It did not register that it was the last time to be with her physically and on this side of eternity. We remember her with mixed feelings-of sadness because she has departed from us in the flesh; but of great joy that she finished her course with joy and is passed on to the presence of her dear Saviour she loved & served!

Our condolences & prayers go for our dear father, Pa Ducille, who is obviously going to miss a great companion & fellow sufferer in the way of the cross, having borne & rejoiced together through thick & thin.


Bro Ces, we all in Nigeria are with you at this crucial moment & our prayers are with you, for strength, grace & all that you require.


Our condolences also go to our beloved brethren in the Sonlight ministry. You have closely related with Sister Marvis & served God together; through the joys & afflictions of the gospel. MAY OUR GOD STRENGTHEN YOU AT THIS TIME.

By the grace of God, we shall endeavour to sent a representation to Florida for the Memorial Service & interment.

We in Nigeria are with you in all these & also praying along with you.


KOLA ADEGOKE (Abuja, Nigeria)

Grandad, you and Grandma did good - Dwight & Natlie duCille

Lord bless and keep you Grandad

There are so many great memories I have of Grandad and Grandma I don't know where to begin. Well it all started in 1971... just kidding. I remember dad and mom going out and leaving me with grandma and granddad for the first time that I was conscious of it anyway. I remember crying as loud and as long as I could. I was around two maybe three years old at the time so that was o.k. then. I think they got a little tired of it around my 19th birthday though. :)... I thought about that a couple of months ago and remembered the look on grandmas face, the concern for me. The pain she felt for me even though I was just being a spoiled brat at the time. Even then she was teaching me how to love without saying one word to me. As I grow up I never heard grandma and granddad say anything unkind to one another. They never rose their voices at each other. Even when we the children, grandchildren, great grandchildren probably very well deserved to be yelled at, never once did they do so. The love and respect I have for them made me try to be the best I can for them. Never mind what they taught me verbally, just watching them brought me closer to the Lord. Grandad, you and Grandma did good. I would change nothing of the time we have had together. Please forgive me of not spending more with you both. I can begin to imagine what you are dealing with. I do know this, the two of you have done the Lord's work as he led you to. So few know the sacrifices you both had to make. The Lord gave you comfort in each other for so many years. I know he will comfort you now, we love you so much Grandad. Lord bless you and keep you.

Your children Dwight and Natlie.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

God bless you richly & comfort you - Port Hartcourt, NIGERIA

Good afternoon, Bro Ces,
My name is Chinwe Okogbaa, daughter of James&Vero Okogbaa. We live in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. You hav been to our house once, a long time ago with Sharon Buckmaster.
First of all, i want to say that i share in your pain & am really very sorry. It's alright to cry to show your pain, loss, grief etc but of a surety God Almighty will certainly comfort u.
After i heard that Aunty Mavis passed away on sunday, an idea popped into my head on monday evening. The idea is that I want to invite u to come stay in our house in PortHarcourt for a while. We live in Port Harcourt& we fellowship in Pótter's place with Bro Eze, Bro Chima etc.
After Aunty Ozi shared the phone call she had with you today in fellowship & expressed how you were(are) feeling, I decided to send u this mail. So I'm formalling inviting you to our house. Not necessarily for meetings but for u to come away alittle & let the people who have covered in the past, cover you.
It will be very lovely to get a reply soon. I'll like for u to think & pray about it.
God bless you richly & comfort you. Amen
&n bsp; Chinwe Okogbaa.

Her legacy will endure forever - Eze & Ozi, NIGERIA

Brother Cecil,

We remember you at this difficult moment and ask God to comfort you. I last saw sister Mavis when you were all in Port Harcourt and she declared our hospital’s permanent site “open” two years ago. We were always glad that she did the “opening” as we have done well since. The news of her death came as a shock. We hope that in some way we will be able to give back a little of what you both sowed into our lives.
God bless you.
Eze Ekeoku.

Dearest Br Cec,

How are you doing? Really. You are in our thoughts and our prayers. In this situation, the Lord ministered to me through the song in psalm 48 “Let mount Zion rejoice..”. He will surely reach you at this time. As we thank Him for the quality of life that sister Mavis lived, we also thank him for you, brother. Thank you for the times you spent with her – especially at those difficult moments when she took ill. You were always adjusting your schedules whenever you were away and she took ill. I remember you caring for her when she took ill with cerebral malaria in London (on your way from Nigeria) some 15 years ago. You did everything so painstakingly. We do bless God for the life of such a son of God and we also bless Him for your life, in whose company she was able to become the woman she was! Her legacy will endure forever and her work in the “Nuggets for the Needy” will always speak! God bless you.

Sister Ozi Ekeoku

Our dear beautiful sister and mother is shinnying in heaven

Dearest bro. Cec.,

Our love and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Our dear beautiful sister and mother is shinnying in heaven, more than ever, with the angles. Now, she is watching how the overcoming is going on. We will overcome this loss in the name of Jesus. The triumph and the rejoicing is ours!


The news wasn't easy to accept. The word of the Lord which came through bro. Burt (2 Samuel 1 : 19) confirmed what was in my heart. I rose up and told the enemy that he is a loser- consistently.

[2 Samuel 1:19: The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen! Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.]

With love in Christ,

Ruth, Taye and Loza

May the Lord give you strength and peace - Believers Temple Fellowship

Dear Brother Ces,

Our hearts are saddened to hear that our beloved Sister Mavis has gone on, but we comforted that she is rejoicing in heaven.

She was truly a blessing to us and we will continue to be blessed in the truths of the Word that she shared with us. Those will never leave us. Hallelujah!

May the Lord give you strength, and peace that passes understanding.
And may He bless your family and minister His peace to them.

In Christ's love
Believers Temple Fellowship
Fort Gibson, Ok

Carolyn Keeling
Holly Keeling
Charles and Carol Westerman
Jessie Gibson
Edith Alsup
Tom Gross
Lorraine Williams

the Lord Jesus Himself is your joy and strength - Blaine & Kaja

Dear Brother Cecil,

Please receive our deepest sympathy on the loss of your precious wife Mavis. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May the Lord Jesus Himself is your joy and strength in this difficult time.

Blaine & Karolina SNYDER

Hallelujah, God that we shall see our dear Sister Mavis again in glory!!! - Lekan, Nigeria

Dear Pa Ces,

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. We are comforted by the life that she lived and the ministry she shared with you that we benefited from. The LORD strengthen you and the family at this time. Hallelujah, God that we shall see our dear Sister Mavis again in glory!!! The LORD that you love and serve keep you and comfort you Pa duCille.


LORD continue to strengthen our Brother Pa Ducille - Femi, Nigeria

The LORD continue to strengthen our Brother Pa Ducille and grant him
immeasurable comfort.

Femi Olayebi,

She was a gift to the church - Okpoechis, GABON

Dear brother Cec,
We received the news of Sis Mavis's passing with great sadness here in Gabon. Still we praise God She lives on in Christ whom she loved and served fervently.
Her life was exemplary. She was a gift to the church.' Nuggets for the needy' which we distributed here in Gabon is still blessing people today here deep in the forests of Gamba. We remain deeply grateful to God for her ministry.
Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you. We continue to ask the Lord to comfort you, strengthen you daily and give you peace. Amen!.
We love you.
Obinna and Chioma Okpoechi.
Gamba. GABON.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How happy she must be

My sincere sympathy to Brother duCille and the duCille family. We will miss Sister Mavis greatly. I can't help but think of how happy she must be now!
-Rebecca Sigwarth

We take solice in Christ Jesus - Bro. Joe


This is a big lose, but we take solice in Christ Jesus; for us who believe there is indeed a Resurrection of the dead, Amen.

My condolences to Bro. du cille and remain strong in the Lord, Amen.

Bro. Joe

A bulwark of support - Bisongs, NIGERIA


This is sad, as we all trusted God to lengthen her days not only for her sake and worth to the body of Christ, but as a bulwark of support for Bro Ces. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to Bro duCille and we trust for God's grace to bear the loss.

Francis & Nonso Bisong

Our heart-felt sympathy - Richard Iyoha, NIGERIA

Dear Bro. Segun,

This is indeed very shocking! I know she has fought long and hard with this ailment, but I was still trusting that she will totally get over it all. Our heart-felt sympathy goes out to Pa Ducille, family and the entire church for this departure!! We know she is with the Lord and for this we are grateful to Him! May God strengthen our brother Ducille and Family, encourage and urge them on in faith to attain unto to the great goal for which the Lord apprehended them long ago!! Amen!!!

Stay blessed brother.

Richard Osagie Iyoha

Our heart felt sympathy on the passing unto glory of our beloved Sis Mavis - Potters Place Fellowship Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Dearly Beloved Bro Ducille,

We the Brethren that meets at the Potters Place Fellowship, Port Harcourt, Nigeria were saddened at the news of the passing on of your wife, she was loving,caring, tested and proven sister. To say that we will miss her is an understatement but we are comforted by the fact that "PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD IS THE DEATH OF HIS SAINTS. Ps 116:15"

On behalf of the brethren of the Potters Place Fellowship Port Harcourt, Nigeria, i express our heart felt sympathy on the passing unto glory of our beloved Sis Mavis.

It is our heart desire to send representatives at the funeral and burial but we are constrained by time to process our traveling documents and other logistics, but be assured that we are with you in the spirit.

Our prayer is that the God of all comfort will comfort you and the rest of the Ducille family Amen.

Yours in the vineyard.

For: Potters Place Fellowship
Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


BELOVED Pa Ducille,

Our thoughts of you, earnest prayers to GOD for you and indeed for the body of CHRIST at large will continue to flow for a long time, Words cannot adequately convey our deep appreciation of, and thanksgiving to GOD for the exemplary life Sister MARVIS lived and of the worthy companionship she provided you for well over half a century.

We now draw a fresh breathe of comforting awareness from the Scriptures of truth which declares that the heroes of faith are truly really alive even having left this realm, We take comfort that sister MARVIS LIVES, SHE LIVES, SHE LIVES, YES SHE LIVES, Amen.

The CHURCH in NIGERIA will continue to cherish the blessed times we have had with both of you; May the great GOD of the heavens lift the eyes of HIS countenance upon YOU AND ALL YOURS and GIVE YOU HIS PEACE.

Quite a number of us are in discussions and desire a strong reprensentation to FLORIDA.

ALSO, GOD willing in the days ahead others will be able to come to commiserate with you;



We shall greatly miss her - Lagos, Nigeria

Our Dearly Beloved Bro. Cec,

Greetings of love to you in the Lord's most faithful Name. It was with a great shock that we received the news about the home calling of our dear mother and sister Mavis. We were actually in church this afternoon about early morning over there when sister Anita called to break the news.
We had sent you a mail last night to encourage you over her health situation and the surgeries, only to now hear this. We are really very sorry and do really share the grief of this hour. We know that God must have deemed it the best for her and those of us still alive. There is no doubt she has overcome, now it is time to rest in the bosom of the Father.
We are all aware of all she had gone through for sometime now, and for you who had stood with her in the battle. We thank God for His mercies and for the life Mavis lived. She poured out her life to us all in the body. Her unshaking voice even in the midst of a failing flesh had always encouraged us all. We shall greatly miss her, but we bless God for everything.
Be encouraged brother. What shall we say to you, than to lift you up to the father for the comfort of the Spirit. Be comforted and strengthened by the Lord in this time.
We Love You!
We wait for details of arrangements. We have tried to call earlier through brother Carl's phone number but it went into voice mail where we left a message. We shall continue to try to call till we can get a way to reach you directly.

Bye for now.

Willie & Ada. (Lagos, Nigeria)

May the Father comfort you - the Waddicks

Dear Brother Ces,

Carol and I can only know a little of the love you and Mavis experienced here on this earth one for another, a this gives us hope that things can and will get better for any of us that struggle at times in marriage. I think I can speak for Carol too when I say that both of you were and are the parents we wish we could have had in this lifetime. It seems that as the storms of life must have blown all around you and Mavis especially in the early years) you both stood those tests by supporting one another with love and grace. Even though I only heard of these things through your many wonderful stories of the days and trials gone by, I know it to be a true report by the lives I saw the both of you live together. May the Father comfort you brother Ces, as He has seen fit to temporarily remove a part of you for some greater unknown glory.

Daniel & Carol Waddick

May the Almighty God comfort the entire family - ETHIOPIA

Dear brethren

I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy and deep condolence to dear brother DuCille and his family of the bereaved family for this irreparable loss. May the Almighty God comfort the entire family, I humbly take the liberty on behalf of my wife to express to you all our deepest personal condolences.
God bless

Yours in Him

Wondewosson Tefera

I have always been blessed by the “ensample” I have witnessed in Mavis - Ed & Terry Smith

My dear Brother Ces,

Ed & I just want you to know that our hearts and our prayers are with you for God to comfort you and your family. I have always been blessed by the “ensample” I have witnessed in Mavis and have been blessed to have known her.

I know this is tiny in the scope of what you will be receiving but I wanted you to know that you are loved and prayed for daily by us. If I could I would give you a big hug and tell you in person! May the Lord be with you! We love you!


Ed & Terry Smith

Terry’s experience:

When I first heard the news I was asking God to comfort you Brother Ces and I heard – “She is with him now stronger than ever.”