Friday, November 28, 2008

She was a pillar of strength and support to you and the ministry and an epitome of encouragement to the body - J. Eta Duncan Lagos, Nigeria

Dear Pa Cec,

Our hearts and prayers are with you and the entire Ducilles' family at this time. The departure of sister Mavis into glory is indeed saddening but we take consolation in the scriptures because we are not a people without hope. We are a people of the resurrection and our sister, though dead in the flesh yet lives.

Sister Mavis showcased the life of a believer in conversation, in charity, in faith, in spirit, and in purity. She was a pillar of strength and support to you and the ministry and an epitome of encouragement to the body. She testified of the truth and also walked in the truth with humility. Her memory on earth is blessed, to be often remembered by all those whose life she touched and who will miss her soft but powerful words that testify of truth.

Be strong in the Lord sir, and may the God of all comfort strengthen your heart and keep you through the pain of separation from our dear mother and sister and friend.

God Bless You,

J. Eta Duncan
Lagos, Nigeria

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