Friday, October 23, 2009

May we be challenged to emulate his passion for God’s glory - George/Comfort Fejokwu, Atlanta

We are deeply imparted by the news of his home going though we take consolation in the fact that he is with the Lord. This makes me/us now treasure even more the last conference where we saw him preach-The Atlanta (September 2009) conference and it’s attending blessings to many. I especially cherish his personal words to me in the lunchroom during this period. Those words have never left me ever since. We thank God for the times he came to Atlanta to share fellowship with us. Our children remember and miss the wonderful testimonies given by him from time to time as he preached. He always gave his all to the service of God and God’s people traveling around some dark corners of the world with the gospel of the kingdom with tremendous zeal. His voice radiated an electrifying passion for the things of God. We had told him in the past how his life imparted some of the persons in Nigeria he never even met.

He and his wife Sis Mavis endured hardness as good soldiers of Christ in the work of the ministry even in their old age. May we be challenged to emulate his passion for God’s glory as we do our part in the new phase of the work in God’s kingdom.

We ask God to console all our hearts and recover from the shock at this time, Amen
George/Comfort Fejokwu
Atlanta, USA

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