Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I will always highly esteem her as a pattern of the love to God - Sister Ivona, Czech Republic

Dear brother duCille,

I would like to express my deep condolence.
I would like to thank you for our dear and precious sister Mavis.
I will always highly esteem her as a pattern of the love to God as well as to man.
I thank you that you loved her, you had respect for her and your cared for her as Christ for the church.
It is such great example and challenge for me.
I was not worthy to be so blessed in my life as I was by both of you.
My precious dear brother, you prayed for me and you fasted for me. You casted thy bread upon the waters.
And I pray and fast today for you that the bread would be returned to you by delight of the highest God.
And that the God would give you much more than I can ask or imagine.
And that we as the church could enter into the deepest sanctification.
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart.
We love you so much,


Sister Ivona Stancikova
Czech Republic

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